TMSB Stirling Motor



The Stirling Motor, "TMSB", is used to demonstrate the operation of a thermodynamic machine for the conversion of energy.

See general description

General Description

The Stirling Motor, "TMSB", is used to demonstrate the operation of a thermodynamic machine for the conversion of energy. It converts thermal energy into mechanical energy and operates as a motor (heat engine). Additionally it can operate an electrical generator and load.

An ideal stirling cycle has four phases:

  • Phase 1: Constant volume heating of the gas in the hot cylinder.
  • Phase 2: Isothermal expansion at constant temperature in the hot cylinder.
  • Phase 3: Constant volume working in the cold cylinder.
  • Phase 4: Isothermal compression of the gas in the cold cylinder.

The Stirling Motor "TMSB" unit designed by EDIBON is an Alfa type engine. It consists of two power pistons located in separate cylinders (one for the cold source and another for the hot one). They are connected to a tube where the regenerator is located, which stores and transfers the heat, that enables the engine to reach a higher efficiency.

Gas moves between both cylinders in a close circuit. The external source provides energy to the hot cylinder, generating the expansion of the gas, and the subsequent motion of the piston, 90° out of phase from the other, and connected to it by a crankshaft.

The hot gas passes to the cold cylinder. During this time the cold cylinder piston compresses the cooled gas and forces it to move to the hot cylinder, where it receives the heat from the hot source and the cycle starts again.

The unit also includes a braking system with force sensor and an electrical generator with pulley to convert the mechanical energy into electrical energy, equipped with an electrical load and current and voltage measurement system.

This unit is supplied with the suitable sensors and instrumentation for the control and measurement of the most representative parameters, as:

  • Flame control.
  • Temperatures measurement in the cylinders.
  • Pessures measurement in the cylinders.
  • Speed measurement (rpm).
  • Torque measurement (force).
  • Current and voltage measurement.

Exercises and guided practices


  1. Study of the conversion of thermal-mechanical-electrical energy.
  2. Study of the relation between the temperatures difference of the thermal machine and the speed generated.
  3. Calculation of the threshold temperatures difference which generates motion.
  4. Study of the mechanical power in relation to speed.
  5. Study of the electrical power in relation to speed.
  6. Mechanical efficiency calculation.
  7. Electrical efficiency calculation.
  8. Speed measurement (rpm).
  9. Torque measurement.
  10. Measurement of the generated electrical power.
  11. Temperature measurements.
  12. Pressure measurements.




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