FME20 層流デモンストレーション装置
The Laminar Flow Demostration unit, "FME20", designed by EDIBON, allows a complete study of the bi-dimensional problems associated with laminar flow. Thanks to an efficient system of dye injection we can observe the different models of flow. It consists on an enlargement of the device of Hele-Shaw.
The Laminar Flow Demostration unit, "FME20", designed by EDIBON, allows a complete study of the bi-dimensional problems associated with laminar flow. Thanks to an efficient system of dye injection we can observe the different models of flow. It consists on an enlargement of the device of Hele-Shaw.
Water is supplied to the accessory from the driving mouth of the Hydraulics Bench (FME00) or from the Basic Hydraulic Feed System (FME00/B), by a flexible pipe.
Then, water passes through a damping deposit that eliminates the turbulence.
It has a dye injection system, which consists of a deposit, a flow control valve and some needles that allow for a better visualization of the flow around the different hydrodynamic models, placed in the central part of the channel.
The unit can be levelled with the adjustable legs.
- Ideal flow around a submerged cylinder.
- Ideal flow around a submerged profile.
- Ideal flow around a body in peak.
- Ideal flow in a convergent channel.
- Ideal flow in a divergent channel.
- Ideal flow in an elbow of 90°.
- Ideal flow in a sudden contraction.
- Ideal flow in a sudden broadening.
- Substitution of a line of current for a solid edge.
流体チャネル、長さ:1 m
水平型オズボーン-レイノルズ現象 デモンストレーション装置
