MINI-EESF/M 太阳能光伏模块化教学仪。(中级版)



Photovoltaic Solar Energy Modular Unit (Intermediate Version), "MINI-EESF/M", is a laboratory scaled unit designed to study all the parameters involved in the solar radiation direct conversion into electricity.



Photovoltaic Solar Energy Modular Unit (Intermediate Version), "MINI-EESF/M", is a laboratory scaled unit designed to study all the parameters involved in the solar radiation direct conversion into electricity.

The unit is based on some application modules and photovoltaic solar panels assembled in mobile frames.

It is specially designed for the theoretical and practical study of the electrical installations with photovoltaic solar energy, the typical configurations used in photovoltaic installations and the operation of the different elements involved in the conversion.

The power obtained from the solar energy can be:

  • Regulated to obtain a DC power to charge a battery, studying parameters such as solar module current output charge level, battery voltage, etc.
  • Delivered to DC loads, studying parameters such as solar module current output and current consumption by the loads.
  • Converted to AC power to be delivered to AC loads, studying parameters such as current consumption by the loads.
  • Injected to the public grid, studying parameters such as output current and voltage of the simulated solar module, power supplied to the public grid, frequency and voltage of the grid, etc.

Two different versions are available with different practical possibilities and levels of difficulty: MINI-EESF and MINI-EESF/B.



  1. Determination of the constituent material of the solar cell.
  2. Determination of the I-V first quadrant curve without illuminating the solar cell.
  3. Determination of the inverse (or saturation) current of the cell without illumination.
  4. Determination of parallel and series resistance of a solar cell without illumination.
  5. Dependency of the open circuit voltage (Voc) with lumens (luminous flux).
  6. Determination of the parameters that describe the quality of a solar cell.
  7. Solar energy measurement.
  8. Measurement of the solar panel voltage with no load.
  9. Determination of the disposition of cells in a solar panel.
  10. Familiarisation with the regulator parameters.
  11. Loads connection to 12 VDC.
  12. Loads connection to 220 VAC.
  13. Battery charging.
  14. Practices of serial and parallel panel configuration (minimum two MINI-EESF/M units).



