

  1. Determination of the curves M (n, Ha), N (n, Ha), η (n, Ha).
  2. Determination of the curves M (n, Q), Nm (n, Q), η (n, Q).
  3. Adimmensional analysis.
  4. Sensors calibration.Practices to be done by PLC Module (PLC-PI)+PLC Control Software.
  5. Control of the TFRC unit process through the control interface box without the computer.
  6. Visualization of all the sensors values used in the TFRC unit process.
  7. Calibration of all sensors included in the TFRC unit process.
  8. Hand on of all the actuators involved in the TFRC unit process.
  9. Realization of different experiments, in automatic way, without having in front the unit. (This experiment can be decided previously).
  10. Simulation of outside actions, in the cases do not exist hardware elements.(Example: test of complementary tanks, complementary industrialenvironment to the process to be studied, etc).
  11. PLC hardware general use and manipulation.
  12. PLC process application for TFRC unit.
  13. PLC structure.
  14. PLC inputs and outputs configuration.
  15. PLC configuration possibilities.
  16. PLC program languages.
  17. PLC different programming standard languages (literal structured, graphic, etc.).
  18. New configuration and development of new process.
  19. Hand on an established process.20- To visualize and see the results and to make comparisons with the TFRC unit process.
  20. Possibility of creating new process in relation with the TFRC unit.
  21. PLC Programming Exercises.
  22. Own PLC applications in accordance with teacher and student requirements.


