AEL-AD33 단상 설치 결함 응용


혁신적인 시스템

The Single-Phase Installations Faults Application, "AEL-AD33", has been designed to study several protections belonging to home installations.

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관련 뉴스

일반적인 설명

The Single-Phase Installations Faults Application, "AEL-AD33", has been designed to study several protections belonging to home installations. Through the safety elements, the student can simulate different faults and verify the reasons why each type of protection acts. It includes some innovative electric devices for the protection of people and installations against the effects of electric current, which ensure the continuity of power availability, as well as people safety. It includes a single-phase transformer to simulate earth derivations under safety conditions. It includes protections for: differential protection with automatic reset and differential protection with variable sensivity.

To check all protections, a variable resistor is included to control current derivations. It also has meters to know the amount of derivation current and verify the protection´s sensitivity.

연습 및 가이드

매뉴얼에 포함 된 가이드 실기 연습

  1. Study the basic concepts of differential protection.
  2. Study of differential protection with variable sensitivity.
  3. Study of differential protection with automatic restore.
  4. Adjustment of the protection sensibility of the differential protection.
  5. Study of Single-phase ground short-circuit with basic differential protection.
  6. Study of Single-phase ground short-circuit with short-circuit impedance and basic differential protection.
  7. Study of Single-phase ground short-circuit with differential protection with variable sensitivity.
  8. Study of Single-phase ground short-circuit with short-circuit impedance and differential protection with variable sensitivity.
  9. Study of Single-phase ground short-circuit with differential protection with automatic restore.
  10. Study of Single-phase ground short-circuit with short-circuit impedance and differential protection with automatic restore.
  11. Study of isolation coordination.

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