일반적인 설명

TXC/SE. Extended Surface Heat Transfer Module for TSTCC: study of temperature profiles and heat transfer characteristics on an extended surface.

It studies the effects of adding fins to a body to extend its surface to achieve a change in the cooling rate. Fins of different materials and cross-sectional shapes are used to analyse the effects of cooling.

연습 및 가이드

매뉴얼에 포함 된 가이드 실기 연습

  1. Heat transfer from a Fin.
  2. Effect of cross section shape in heat transfer from a Fin.
  3. Heat transfer from Fins of two different materials.
  4. Measuring the temperature distribution along an extended surface.
  5. Sensors calibration.

필수 구성 요소

비슷한 제품


판매 후 서비스

정보 요청