일반적인 설명

TXC/LG. Thermal Conductivity of Liquids and Gases Module for TSTCC: study of the thermal conductivity of any gas or liquid compatible with building materials.

This unit has been designed to enable students to easily determine the thermal conductivity of liquids and gases.

By the realization of the practices the student can determine the thermal conductivity of any suitable gas or compatible liquid with materials on construction.

연습 및 가이드

매뉴얼에 포함 된 가이드 실기 연습

  1. Obtaining of the curve of thermal conductivity of the air.
  2. Thermal conductivity in vacuum.
  3. Water thermal conductivity determination.
  4. Thermal conductivity determination of a mineral oil.
  5. Calibration of the Unit.
  6. Sensors calibration.
  7. Dry air thermal conductivity under atmospheric pressure.

필수 구성 요소

비슷한 제품


판매 후 서비스

정보 요청